Tuesday, May 1, 2007

The View From My Desk

These are the horrific results of a girl with too much time on her hands and a camera phone :)

The top picture is what I see when I look to the left. Watching those trees bloom all Spring has brought me an unreasonable amount of joy. I really try to make a mental note of them almost every day so I can think back to how they looked bare and with little buds and everything.

I'm a nerd, I know, no need to rub it in.

The bottom one is what I see when I look over the top of my computer (why would I do that?The whole world is here in this box) And it's a really bustling little corner here in The Pearl, it brings me much people watching time when I'm not doing anything. Like right now.

So, what do you see from your window?


Anonymous said...

I like the Pearl :) Nice overcast day today, none of the rain the weatherman forcast.

Here's what's out my office windows...



I Love Oregon!

Ann K. said...

I see the beautiful City Park from my front window.. It's finally looking a little greener too! You can see a few pictures of Springtime (one that has a glimpse of the park) in my latest post at my blog. http://yellowhousetreasures.wordpress.com
Thanks for sharing your pics!

130sbyThirty said...

Window? What Window?!?! Someone say there is a window?! No window here. Just lovely cubeville - Think Dilbert. However I do get to look at pics of my son and a nice little painting I bought a few years back.