I should really save this post for tomorrow since who knows if I'll have anything to talk about... but I don't care. I live on the edge!
The Interweave Knits Fall Preview is up. I'll definitely be purchasing a copy once it's available.
Here's some of my favorites... which I will probably knit someday.
And this one that I will not knit, but I like to look at anyway:

I believe that knit dresses should be approached with caution. As with knit skirts. Not that they cannot be cute or flattering, but odds are that you should probably say no if the urge strikes you to knit a dress. In case you're about to say "but _____ is really cute" I will remind you that knit dresses are, in fact, sweater dresses (usually) We all remember that time don't we? Does anyone really want to return to the era of the sweater dress? Don't answer that.
Okay... that's my knitting pr0n for today. Y'all come back now, y'hear?
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